Click to sign up to receive a daily email as part of the 9 Days for Life initiative which runs from January 16 to 24. This is an annual novena for the protection of human life sponsored by the Respect Life Office of the USCCB. Each day’s intention is accompanied by a short reflection and suggested actions to help build a culture of life.
The St. Joseph Parish Pastoral Plan 2025-2027 is being distributed with the bulletin on January 5th and is accessible now online (click to access). The plan was spearheaded by the Parish Pastoral Council and reviewed by both the Parish Finance Council and Parish Staff. The plan offers a path to strengthen parish community and relationships, to deepen our love for God through worship and prayer, and to assist us in encountering Jesus in all our brothers and sisters. If you have questions or feedback, please contact any member of the Pastoral Council.
The annual Warm Winter clothing drive runs from January 11 to 19. Men’s, women’s and children’s new and gently used clothing in good repair is accepted. There is a special need for winter coats, boots, hats, gloves and scarves. Place donations in the barrels by the doors of the church. Last day to donate is January 19th. Thank you for your generosity.
The Justice and Peace group organized a parish-wide donation of winter clothing for children living at Catholic Charities Boston’s Nazareth Family Shelter and St. Ambrose Family Shelter. Over a hundred new jackets, hats, scarves and mittens in various sizes and colors poured in from many parishioners, allowing each child to receive three new outfits. Thank you for your generosity. Click to read more.
Thank you to those who have already contributed to the Parish Grand Annual Appeal. The Appeal is essential in helping us to pay our bills on a year-to year basis without needing to dip into savings. We hope to have as many as possible from our parish family contributing to the Grand Annual. Please take home one of the packets at the entrances of the church or contribute through the information that you received by mail/email or through the parish website. Thank you.
Click to read or download this Advent Calendar provided by the US Catholic Bishops office. It contains daily reflections and suggestions for entering more meaningfully into this time of preparing for the Lord during the four weeks of Advent.
Our Neighbors in Need program provides temporary financial assistance to those in our community who
are facing a current hardship. The collection at the Thanksgiving Day Mass goes to support this program.
Donations can be made anytime throughout the year.
Click to read a report on the donated funds for the construction of an ablution block and execution of food distribution projects in Zambia. These two projects, largely funded by St. Joseph Parish, have brought improved sanitation and hygiene conditions for the parish community while also addressing food security for the vulnerable population.
Archbishop Henning's Installation Mass will be streamed live on CatholicTV, Oct. 31 at 1:30 PM via this link - You can also join others at one of the following watch parties being held regionally around the archdiocese. Contact them directly for more information.
• Saint Francis, Braintree
• Saint Anthony, Cambridge
• Saint Julia, Weston
• Saint Theresa, North Reading
• All Saints, Haverhill
Please join us for this special liturgy to honor the deceased members of St. Joseph and St. Bartholomew parishes who have passed away during the past year. During the Mass, each deceased’s name will be read aloud; a candle bearing the deceased’s name will be lit; and the names of the deceased will be included in the Book of Remembrance, which will remain in the sanctuary for the month of November.
Join Deacon Bob and Susan Horne as they share their experiences from the 10th National Eucharistic Congress held this past July in Indianapolis. All are welcome to join on the evenings of October 2 and 16 in the lower church at St. Joseph starting at 7 PM. The evenings will include reflection, video highlights, and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
Each September, the Clergy Trust allows us an opportunity to “Give Thanks for our Priests” in various ways. One way to give thanks for priests is to participate in the special collection that benefits the Clergy Trust so that they can continue to provide health and wellness programs and support for all of our active and senior priests in good standing. Click to learn more and to donate.
For the Parish Picnic on September 8th, we really need help moving tables and chairs at the beginning and the end of the picnic, as well as servers during the picnic. If you can volunteer some of your time that day, please click to access the SignUp Genius. Thank you!
Click to read this message from Carlo Serrano, music director of St. Joseph Parish, regarding his pursuit of "green card" authorization. Thank you for your support.
Interested in becoming Catholic? The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is a program for adults who, as they respond to God’s grace, discover a desire to become full members of the Catholic Church. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming Catholic, click to learn more.
The Holy Father has announced that he has named the Most Reverend Richard G. Henning, S.T.D. as the tenth bishop and seventh archbishop of the Archdiocese of Boston. Click to read more.
The 10th National Eucharistic Congress took place from July 17 to July 21. Over 60,000 people made their way to Indianapolis to worship God in adoration, procession, and sacrament. It was a beautiful and inspiring witness to the power of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. You can watch videos of the various liturgies and talks on the EWTN website. Click to view.
Fr. Ssenfuma completed his marathon in Washington state on July 28 with an impressive time of 3 hours 40 minutes. Congratulations! He is running to raise funds to build a dam in the village in Uganda where he grew up that will provide a source of water for the people, crops, and animals. He is most grateful for all who have supported him and his cause. Checks may still be dropped in the baskets or sent to St. Joseph’s Parish at 1382 Highland Ave, Needham. Indicate "Uganda" on memo line. Thank you.
Our friend Fr. Mathews from Zambia tells us the construction of the new ablution center is moving along well. This new sanitation facility will allow the people of his parish to wash and clean themselves more thoroughly in a safe setting. He is very grateful to the people of St. Joseph Parish for making this possible. Click to see more photos.